Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 Northern BC Race Schedule

Tour de Nass:
Saturday, 9 May 2009 (11 a.m.)
Kincolith, BC
Contact: Michail Ousey
tel: 250-633-2976
68km Bike Race from Kincolith to New Aiyansh

Kitimat River Challenge
Sunday, 17 May 2009 (11 a.m.)
Terrace, BC
Contact:Kate McCarron
tel: 250-638-8692
Terrace to Kitimat 70 km

Skeena River Relay
Saturday, 30 May 2009 (6 & 7 a.m.)
Prince Rupert, BC
Contact:Leann Enns
tel: 250-624-2673
142 km running relay Race starts in Prince Rupert and Finish is in Terrace

Tour de Smithers
Sunday, 7 June 2009 (10 a.m.)
Tyhee Lake, Penner Road, Smithers , BC
Peter Krause
tel: 250-847-5009
44 or 66 or 88 km Road Race. Starts on Penner Road on Tyhee Lake

Tour de Jack Pine

Sunday, 14 June 2009 (9 a.m.)
Thornhill, Terrace, BC
Contact:Kate McCarron
tel: 250-638-8692
30 km road race loops

36th Annual Koops Classic
Sunday, 21 June 2009 (1 p.m.)
Purden Lake, Prince George, BC
Contact:Koops Bike Shop
tel: 250-563-4828
65 km Road Race

Far North Adventure Race
Saturday, 18 July 2009 (10 a.m.)
Smithers, BC
Contact:Meic Thomas
tel: 250-877-0295
Kayak, Run and Mountain Bike. Distances will be announced.

Race At The Edge
Friday, 31 July 2009 (6:30 p.m.)
Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii , BC
Contact:David Beggs
tel: 250-559-8831
5 Km Time Trial & 100km road race

Skeena River Challenge
Sunday, 9 August 2009 (9 a.m.)
Prince Rupert, BC
Contact:Kate McCarron
tel: 250-638-8692
160 km Road Race, Prince Rupert to Terrace


Anonymous said...

Hey Terry, you racing in any of these?


Anonymous said...

I'm new to Haida Gwaii and heard a rumour about a long race/event in November when the Olympic torch comes to the Island. Do you have any info about this (or is it just a rumour?)

Terry said...

Nothing is confirmed yet but plans are in the works to have a relay from Masset to QC to meet the torch. The torch is only going from Sandspit to QC and back.
One of the ideas is to have cyclists relay between Masset and Port Clements and Tlell and Skidegate and runners etc, within the communities.